This is a time for all of us to know the Truth and to know that God is All-power, All- presence and that there is no power greater or other power than God! God is surrounding each one of us with His love and protection.
Our church holds Sunday morning services beginning at 10 o’clock. The service hosted by two Readers consists of the following activities:
- Hymn sung by all
- A Reader presents the Scriptural Selection
- Silent Prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord’s Prayer with its spiritual interpretation
- Hymn sung by all
- Two readers present the Lesson-Sermon consisting of citations from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy
- Collection
- Hymn sung by all
- A Reader presents the Scientific Statement of Being, and the correlative Scripture according to I John 3:1–3
- Pronouncing Benediction
The services are preceded and followed by organ/piano music.
The Lesson-Sermon (based upon 26 Topics) is available for all to study during the week. To learn more about the Lesson-Sermon click here or visit a Christian Science Reading Room. To listen to the Lesson-Sermon prior to attending the Church Service call 630.929.5635.
All are Welcome at Every Service!!
January through March the meeting begins at 1:00PM.
April through December the meeting begins at 7:30 PM
You will hear readings from the Bible and Science and Health and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy that are based on a timely theme. In addition to prayer and singing, there is also time set aside for attendees to share accounts of healing and inspiration gained from their study and application of Christian Science.
Examples of healings one can hear during this meeting:
This article explains the benefits of metaphysical healing.
In addition to our Sunday and Wednesday services, we also hold a special service at 10 AM on Thanksgiving Day each November. It’s a joyful celebration, and there’s a special time set aside for the congregation to express gratitude for the blessings they’ve received. You, your family, friends, and neighbors are invited to join us for this uplifting and inspiring service.